Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ashley's May Newsletter

“He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” - Psalm 23:3

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am praying this month that the Lord would give me eyes to see what He is doing around me in Lons and that He would continually guide me in paths of righteousness. I already feel that I am ‘switching gears’ as I look ahead to my upcoming projects and locations, but I am also trying to invest myself completely in Lons with my remaining month here.

The church is also fighting to ‘keep in step with the Spirit’ despite its many obstacles. I think many of them are still confused by the pastor’s leaving, but their hearts are genuinely seeking to honor the Lord. Recently, they hosted a children’s ‘Revival’ with the local Catholic church in an effort to reach out to the neighborhood children, as well as their parents. There were between 40-50 people present! This was an exciting activity and I ask for your prayers that connections made with these families will grow. Please pray also that this church would demonstrate the Body of Christ to the community in their relationships with one another and with others.

It is sad to think of saying good-bye at the end of the month to the friends I have made here. I plan to spend time with my French colleague Alice and her family before leaving and I hope to have more opportunities to share with her about my faith before I go. Please pray that God will prepare her heart to hear His word. Before I finish teaching, I am also trying to organize a party with all the students I have taught this year (about 150 of them!). I would love to invite them all to visit at the church during the week for an ‘American-themed’ party and also have more of a chance to share my love for them in Christ. Please pray that God will make this initiative a possibility and that He will bless my time with them.

I just returned from a weekend in Marseille. The time I spent there is making me more and more excited about the events taking place--the new church and the ICC movement as a whole. As much as it is important for me to make the most of my time in Lons, I am starting to pray that God will guide me in His paths during my upcoming time in Marseille. Once I finish teaching at the end of June, I will move down to Marseille to focus on various ICC summer activities and the Marseille church development. There is so much to share with you!

God has been providing and going before us with ICC in so many ways. We have been offered a place in Marseille to use as an office, which has required lots of renovation and cleaning, but it is truly a blessing to have some office space! The Painters are still expecting to sign very soon on the building that will become the ICC headquarters. This is still a walk of faith because, though God has provided the property despite many obstacles, it all still depends on the financial support to come in.

Knowing the need for a church to reach out to internationals in Marseille, we have been taking steps to begin a church there. This was the major reason for my time spent there this weekend. We hosted the first ICCM worship service Sunday evening, held in a French church, which has offered us the use of their building. It was followed by a Mexican-theme dinner where we had a chance to connect with the people who came. Please pray for this expanding ministry and the people that God will call to be a part of it. We want first and foremost to serve the Lord by meeting people’s spiritual needs in Marseille and across Europe.

When I move down to Marseille in July, I will be focusing on this growing church movement and the administrative work to be done. I really appreciate all of your prayers concerning my time there and the advancement of His work. I look forward to keeping you updated soon on what God has in store. We know that He is always at work and I don’t want to miss out on it! I remain deeply grateful for your partnership and prayer support that makes this possible.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Richard's May newsletter

Fat Fridays

At the beginning of the month, I was invited by the church I attend to give a presentation on our organisation to the youth group there which is called, ‘Fat Fridays’. The theme of the night was “Jesus and the poor” and how God calls us to share His love with the poor and needy in practical ways. The church was littered with cardboard boxes that the kids had brought over to sleep in at the church so as to empathize with the homeless. There were about 80 kids in all and it was so encouraging to see them wanting to live out their faith. We had some small group discussions with the kids and I was deeply encouraged to see that they have a passion to make compassion and reaching out to the poor a part of their daily lives.

Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you…

This month was also our staff retreat where we went for a couple of days to a lovely French village just outside of Geneva. As the Crowded House song goes I certainly brought the British weather with me as it rained non-stop for two days! This made for good team-bonding though! One of our staff members led us through a strength development program and how we can maximize our strengths and talents to best serve and function as an organisation.

‘Shoes for Smiles’

Things at work are moving on at quite a pace. We have started recruiting for our summer project July 21st – 31st to Jordan where we will have people from Hong Kong, US and Europe joining our team to bring help and hope to Iraqi and other refugees living there. One of our newer projects there will be ‘Shoes for Smiles’ where we will be distributing shoes to the poor children in the Bedouin desert. The families of these poor children live in such need that they either have the choice of buying food or shoes for the children. So most of the children walk around and play in bare feet on the hard, burning surface of the desert and streets. For $11 dollars (8 €), a pair of shoes and socks can be bought for a child. We held a concert in Paris which also helped raise funds towards these shoes. If you like, you too can consider helping before July 3rd. We will be able to help offer as many shoes as the team members and others raise for this great opportunity to bring help and hope.
Please contact me at rch197@hotmail.com and I can send you the giving information.

‘El bus solidari’

The humanitarian bus project is reaching an exciting stage as well. For those of you who don’t know, a group of Spanish students and myself are hiring a bus leaving from Barcelona which will tour the cities of Marseille, Paris and Toulouse. We will be partnering with organisations in these cities and assisting them in their social and humanitarian projects. The project will last just over two weeks and so far we have around 25 Spanish students who have volunteered! All partners are working hard as we make final arrangements for projects and housing. I am very excited for this chance to grow as this is totally a new venture for all of us – be praying with us as we step out in faith.

Finally, in Geneva this month we had the ‘Fête de la Réforme’ (Reformation Festival). Many of the churches in Geneva regrouped at the Cathedral in the old town for a joint service. It was a fantastic day with thousands of people attending.

I thank you all for all your prayers, words of encouragement and support. With your partnership Hope and Help are being brought to those who so desperately need it. You are such a blessing!

I would really appreciate your prayers in the following:

• Projects in Jordan and bus trip (Jordan is from the 21st – 31st July and the bus trip is from the 1st- 16th August). That the Lord would give us wisdom and peace in bringing everything together.

• Deeper love and knowledge of Our Lord. There is so much in my daily life that can keep me from special time with the Lord. My desire is to spend more time in prayer and His Word.

• Support. The Lord has provided with over ¾ of my total need. I am so indebted to Him for His amazing provision. Please pray that I will trust in Him for the remainder.